Baruch College is a great college and it can be made even better in numerous ways. My advice for Baruch is to make interactive chatrooms with advisors, professors, departments, and offices like the Bursar. With these interactive chatrooms, students can talk to the person they need at the comfort of their seat. Also, students may be too busy to go to talk with their advisors about important issues because of work, family issues, etc., so with these chatrooms, students to schedule an appointment with them online and chat with them online. Not only should Baruch make interactive chatrooms with offices, they should be able to do things online, like drop a class and pay for their tuitions by credit card online. This makes the filing process instant and convenient.
Another feature they should add is to have interactive helpers for people who are roaming around the Baruch website. They can provide assistance to find what they need and direct to the appropriate site and person (which should be also be available to talk to online). With today's fast and demanding society, Baruch should make almost everything available online, while providing excellent services to everyone.
Why Do Chickens Take Dirt Baths
6 months ago
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