Jennifer Wong's term project about gold mining has really gave me an insight about the business itself. Before this presentation, I know that people are letting someone else play their account to 'farm' for items or make their character stronger, for a fee of course. After hearing this presentation, it pretty much stereotypes Asians as hardcore gamers since the majority of these gold farmers are in Asian countries. These people earn next to nothing as they spend countless hours playing a certain MMORPG; this is like the new age of the Industrial Age. As a
MMORPG player myself, I feel offended that people are getting stronger and getting rare items that they did not earn by
themselves. Most of these sites are not trustworthy neither, the next thing they know, the people who paid for this junk could be scammed or obtain a virus inside their computer. I know one friend who accidentally clicked on one of those sites, and his computer was heavily infected by a certain virus, making him reformat his computer. Gold farming should be stopped, not only for the people working in them, but for the honesty built among players like me.